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  • 新冠肺炎疫情防控消毒工作精准规范指南解读与实施策略


    为了进一步标准化各个地方的消毒工作,指导各方准确地实施各种消毒措施,并巩固了流行病预防和控制的结果,我们组织了“对流行病学终末消毒的详细规则”的制定。公共科学普及和公共用途,适用于专业人士。 “公共预防性消毒指南”。其中,“流行病的最终消毒的详细规则”进一步完善了终末消毒的范围,对象和消毒方法,优化了家庭中终末消毒的技术操作过程,并添加了针对性的不同污染物和环境。无害治疗的方法和方法; “公共预防性消毒指南”着重于对家庭和公共场所的日常清洁和消毒指南,以防止出现两种趋势:“放松和消毒”和“过度分离”,并指导公众清洁科学上的科学消毒和自我保护和自我保护。












    (4)科学地对社区和旧社区等关键领域进行消毒。在密封控制区域和控制区域,我们必须专注于预防性消毒公共区域,材料支撑点,核酸采样点,垃圾存储点,建筑物中的快递区和公共浴室,以及垃圾和污水应严格处理根据法规的要求。 。被阻塞的区域侧重于阳性感染的住所,周围居民的相邻外部环境及其活动轨迹。控制区主要用于每日清洁和消毒作为补充。在消毒农村地区和城市村庄之前,应根据当地环境和生活条件的实际条件制定消毒计划。













    (i)范围和对象确定。根据流行病学研究结果,确定了现场消毒的范围和对象。在住院和病例或无症状感染者的住院和运输过程中可能被污染的环境和物品应随时消毒。对于案件或无症状感染者生活或活跃的地方,例如住宅,工作场所,研究场所,诊断和治疗地点,运输工具以及其他可能被污染的地方和死亡)。 )应进行末端消毒。一个没有明显污染物的地方,即案例或无症状感染者在没有绝对消毒的情况下短暂地通过。













    2。运输意思。病例和无症状的感染者离开后,应对运输车辆进行消毒,包括:诸如机舱内壁,座椅,卧铺和桌面等物体的表面,患者使用的餐具(饮料)用餐,床上用品和床上用品(卧室)患者使用的器皿。 ,粪便,呕吐和受污染的物品和地点等。







    5。终末消毒程序。终末消毒程序应根据有关流行病来源的一般规定的附录A进行(GB 19193-2015)。在现场消毒之前,您应该充分了解消毒对象和范围,并选择对环境和物品几乎没有影响的同时确保安全性和有效性的消毒方法。低温环境中应根据低温消毒技术的要求进行终末消毒。





    应在特殊的容器中收集患者的分泌物,呕吐等。使用含氯的消毒剂,有效氯为20,000 mg/L,并以1:2的比例将其浸泡2小时。



    (iv)物体的表面。当在诊断和治疗设施和设备表面的肉眼中看到污染物,以及床栅栏,床头桌,家具,门把手和家居用品时,应完全去除污染物,然后消毒。如果肉眼看不到污染物,请使用含有1000mg/l有效氯或500mg/l的含氯的消毒剂,或二氧化氯二氧化氯消毒剂和物体的不渗透腐蚀表面,也可以喷洒2000mg/l queratenary ammon ammon ammon ammon ammon ammon盐消毒剂。动作30分钟后,擦拭或浸泡并消毒,用水擦拭干净。











    当有一个独立的化粪池时,在进入市政排水管道网络之前需要进行消毒,并定期添加含氯的消毒剂。在水箱中添加含氯的消毒剂(第一次添加,有效的氯约为40mg/L),以确保消毒效果。 1.5小时后,总残留氯量达到6.5 mg/l-10 mg/l。消毒后,污水应遵守“医疗机构中水污染物的标准”(GB18466-2005)。








    (i)现场使用的低温消毒剂必须合法且有效。在投放市场之前,他们应该符合“国家卫生委员会总办公室发行技术安全性评估低温消毒剂的通知”(国家卫生办公室监督信[2020]号。 1062)需要进行产品卫生和安全评估和记录。使用时,您应严格遵循产品说明,并根据适用的低温消毒剂温度范围合理地使用它们。与相关的消毒设备结合使用时,应首先调试消毒设备。在喷涂和消毒机械化时,重要的是要确保消毒剂足以覆盖消毒物体的表面,并进行质量控制以确保消毒的资格。当消毒对象严重污染时,应在处理前用低温消毒剂冲洗或浸泡。严格禁止喷洒或擦拭和消毒。




    (2) The disinfection implementation unit should have on-site disinfection capabilities, and the operator should undergo professional disinfection training, master the basic knowledge of disinfection and personal protection, and be familiar with the use of disinfection equipment and the preparation of disinfectants. The disinfection implementation unit should keep disinfection records every time it carries out disinfection work, including the disinfection object, disinfection area (volume), disinfectant concentration (or disinfection device strength), dose, and time of action.

    (3) Strengthen on-site disinfection evaluation work. All on-site disinfection of epidemic sources should be carried out in process evaluation, and problems should be rectified in a timely manner to ensure that the disinfection process is effective. According to the actual needs on site and the relevant requirements of the "Site Disinfection Evaluation Standards during the COVID-19 Epidemic" (WS/T 774-2021), disinfection effect evaluation will be carried out if necessary.

    Public Preventive Disinfection Guidelines

    In order to scientifically guide the public to do a good job in daily preventive disinfection, master basic disinfection knowledge and skills, correctly choose disinfection products and disinfection methods, and improve hygiene and health literacy, this guideline is specially formulated.


    (1) The household should focus on daily cleaning and preventive disinfection as the supplement;

    (2) Do not carry out large-scale disinfection of the outdoor environment, and do not disinfect the external environment;

    (3) Do not use disinfectants directly to disinfect people;

    (4) Do not use high-concentration disinfectants for preventive disinfection;

    (5) Do not add disinfectants to ponds, reservoirs and other environments;

    (VI) Strictly follow the instructions for disinfection products and use them beyond the scope.

    2. Main methods

    (I) Disinfection of the surface of environmental objects. You can choose to wipe, spray or soak disinfectants such as chlorine-containing disinfectants, chlorine dioxide, quaternary ammonium salts to wipe, spray or soak disinfection; you can also use proven safe and effective physical disinfection methods.

    (2) Hand hygiene. When there are contaminants visible to the naked eye, hand sanitizer (or soap) should be used to wash your hands under running water. When there are no pollutants visible to the naked eye, you can choose quick-drying hand disinfectant, or directly wipe and disinfect with 75% ethanol; for those with alcohol allergies, you can choose effective non-alcohol hand disinfectant such as quaternary ammonium salts.

    (III) Indoor air disinfection. The indoor air is mainly ventilation and no chemical disinfectant spray is required. Exhaust (including natural ventilation and mechanical exhaust) measures can be taken to keep indoor air circulating and ventilate 2-3 times a day for at least 30 minutes each time. If a centralized air conditioning and ventilation system is used, it should be ensured that the air in each residential unit does not cross through the ventilation system. Otherwise, it should be used in accordance with the relevant requirements of the "Sanitary Specifications for the Operation Management of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems in Office and Public Places during the COVID-19 Epidemic" (WS696-2020).

    If air disinfection is required, a circulating air air disinfection machine can be used to disinfect the air; if there is no one, ultraviolet rays or other safe and effective methods can be used to disinfect the air.

    3. Daily cleaning and preventive disinfection of home

    Under daily circumstances, the family does not need to disinfect it. It is necessary to clean and ventilate the home environment every day. Clothes and bedding must be cleaned and dried frequently. If preventive disinfection is indeed required, follow the following methods:

    (I) The surface of the object. Wipe or spray disinfection on the surface of ordinary objects such as tables, chairs, beds, wash basins, furniture, etc. with effective chlorine 500mg/L chlorine containing disinfectant or 250mg/L chlorine dioxide for 30 minutes, or use effective disinfection wipes Wipe and disinfect.

    (2) Dining (drinking) utensils. After removing food residues, clean them, boil or circulate steam to disinfect for 15-30 minutes, or use thermal disinfection cabinets and other disinfection methods; chlorine-containing disinfectant with effective chlorine of 250-500mg/L can also be used to soak and disinfect for 30 minutes. After that, rinse the remaining disinfectant with clean water.

    (III) Small objects such as mobile phones, keys, etc. The surface of small objects such as mobile phones and keys can be wiped and disinfected with 75% alcohol.

    (IV) Sanitary ware. Sanitary ware such as hand sinks and toilets can be wiped or sprayed with disinfectant for effective chlorine of 500-1000mg/L chlorine-containing disinfectant or 250-500mg/L chlorine dioxide or other effective disinfectant. After 30 minutes of action, clean the residue.

    (V) Ground and walls. Wipe or spray disinfectant with effective chlorine 500mg/L chlorine containing disinfectant or 250mg/L chlorine dioxide for 30 minutes, or wipe and disinfect with effective disinfectant wipes.

    (VI) Textiles. Towels, clothing and other textiles can be boiled and disinfected for 30 minutes, or soaked with chlorine-containing disinfectant with effective chlorine of 500mg/L for 30 minutes, and then cleaned regularly.

    (7) Hand hygiene. Wash your hands frequently, wash your hands with hand sanitizer or soap under running water. If necessary, disinfect them with disinfectant such as 75% alcohol and quick-drying hand disinfectant.

    4. Preventive disinfection in public places

    Different disinfectants, disinfection concentrations and disinfection methods are used in classification according to the pollution risk characteristics of different places and environments. Preventive disinfection will be carried out at least twice a day for key places and units such as supermarkets, hotels, farmers' markets, schools, transportation (stations), office buildings, construction sites, nursing homes, etc. Focus on increasing the disinfection frequency of environmental objects such as door handles and elevator buttons that are in contact with high frequency. Preventive disinfection should be carried out before opening and operating in closed places.

    (I) The surface of the object. Wipe or spray disinfectant with 500 mg/L chlorine containing disinfectant or 250 mg/L chlorine dioxide for 30 minutes; the surface of an incorruptible object can also be sprayed, wiped or sanitized with 1000 mg/L quaternary ammonium salt disinfectant or Soak and disinfect, or wipe and disinfect with effective disinfectant wipes.

    (2) Dining (drinking) utensils. Disinfection of dining (drinks) utensils should be strengthened in public places. After removing food residues, clean them, boil or circulate steam for 15-30 minutes, or use thermal disinfection cabinets and other disinfection methods; chlorine-containing disinfectant with effective chlorine of 250-500 mg/L can also be used to soak and disinfect 30 After minutes, rinse the remaining disinfectant with clean water.

    (III) Sanitary ware. For the floor, hand sink, toilet, etc. of the public bathroom, you can wipe or spray disinfection with 250-500 mg/L chlorine dioxide or 500-1000 mg/L chlorine-containing disinfectant or other effective disinfectant. Clean water after 30 minutes of action.其余的。

    (IV) Trash cans and garbage storage points. Do a good job in garbage sorting management, collect and transport it in a timely manner. Strengthen the cleaning of garbage containers such as trash cans and disinfection of garbage cans and temporary garbage storage points regularly. You can use effective chlorine 500-1000mg/L chlorine-containing disinfectant to wipe or spray disinfection for 30 minutes; you can also use effective disinfection wipes for wipes or other safe and effective disinfection methods.

    (V) Work clothes and other textiles. Textiles such as work clothes, seat covers, etc. should be kept clean and washed and disinfected regularly according to actual needs. It can be sterilized by circulating steam or boiling for 30 minutes, or soaked with chlorine-containing disinfectant with effective chlorine of 500mg/L for 30 minutes, and then washed regularly.

    (VI) Ground and walls. Wipe or spray disinfectant with effective chlorine 500mg/L chlorine containing disinfectant or 250mg/L chlorine dioxide for 30 minutes, or wipe and disinfect with effective disinfectant wipes.

    5. Preventive disinfection in key areas such as control areas, old communities, etc.

    (1) In the sealing and control areas, the focus is on preventive disinfection of nucleic acid sampling points, epidemic prevention material guarantee places (points), garbage storage points, express distribution points and other regional environments in the community, and garbage and sewage are disposed of strictly in accordance with the requirements of the specifications.

    (2) If the environmental sanitation of large and old communities is poor, the concentration of disinfectant can be appropriately increased when disinfecting to ensure the disinfection effect.

    (3) The home mainly focuses on daily cleaning, supplemented by preventive disinfection, and at the same time, it is necessary to open the windows in the room to ventilate.

    (IV) Rationally set up centralized disinfection areas for express delivery items. For express delivery items that are delivered sporadically, a shelf is set up in the centralized disinfection area, and the outer packaging and storage racks of express delivery items are sprayed and disinfected according to regulations. For express delivery items delivered in batches, special areas shall be designated to centrally unload and disinfect.


    (I) Choose safe and effective disinfection products. Before purchasing and using it, you can conduct compliance inquiries on the "National Disinfection Product Online Registration Information Service Platform".

    (2) The instruction manual of the low-temperature disinfection product used for low-temperature disinfection should have a corresponding low-temperature service range.

    (3) Pay attention to personal protection when configuring and using disinfectants, and wear masks and gloves when necessary.

    (IV) Disinfectants have corrosive and bleaching effects. Items that are afraid of corrosion or fading should be cleaned with clean water after disinfection to remove residual disinfectant.

    (5) Surface dirt will affect the disinfection effect, and cleaning should be done before disinfection.

    (VI) Disinfectants should be stored in a dry, light-proof and ventilated environment, and should be avoided in places where children can access it. Disinfectants can only be used externally and cannot be taken internally.


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